LG 55SM8500 55"4 K NanoCell TV

NanoCell Tech Combines with Next-Gen a7 Processor - Dolby Vision & Atmos Cinema Experience at home

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    Nano cell Technology

    Colour and brightness levels are both properties of light which, when crystal clear, show off nano cell technology at its finest, even at wide viewing angles.

    Accuracy won't be compromised at positions of up to 60 degrees away from the television, thanks to an IPS 4K panel that expands the viewing area.

    In-plane switching is specific to liquid crystal displays (LCD) and can switch the molecules in the layer, as the viewer moves.

    This TV has nanoparticles which assist the LCD panel behind the screen, which are exactly one nanometre in diameter.

    These act as colour purifiers that absorb unwanted light sources, bringing the best out of an edge-lit backlighting system.

    Reds, greens, bright whites and dark blacks are just part of a palette containing over a billion colours, with more than 1,000 shades of each primary aspect.

    The gamut is widened and the contrast optimised further through high dynamic range, with tone mapping for smooth transitions.

    The multi-format 4K Active HDR delivers scene by scene adjustment through LG's own 4K Cinema HDR, Advanced HDR by Technicolor and HDR10 Pro.

    Additional remastering for live broadcasts is supplied by Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG), which emulates light displays as they change without requiring dynamic metadata.

    Motion Pro ensures free-flowing footage in the native 4K frame rate of 60fps, with black frame compensation for better handling.

    Sport, shows and music are more than covered, but a truly cinematic experience can be provided by Dolby Vision and Atmos, which are powerful versions of HDR.

    The deep-learning algorithm required to keep this process fluid is made possible by artificial intelligence, which comes from the second-generation A7 Processor chip.

    Lower definition content can also be sharpened and upscaled to a near 4K quality, through the processor, which handles the webOS operating system with ease.

    WebOS provides access to plenty of video streaming services and apps, plus management of connected devices from one home hub.

    Players will relish gaming in 4K HDR, with low input lags, while enjoying the benefits of LG's most-advanced LED TV.

    More benefits of the LG 55SM8500PLA 55 inch Nano Cell 4K UHD TV

    The nano presence is further felt with the stylish bezel around the screen.

    TripAdvisor seasonally add travel photographs to be used in Gallery Mode.

    Point, click or use your voice to browse, with an LG Magic Remote included.

    Further speech options comes through Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

    Frequently used apps can be ordered through the Intelligent Edit feature.

    Special Offers

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    Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

    Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

    Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

    Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.

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    Sed quis tincidunt sem.

    Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

    Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

    Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

    Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.