Hamilton Beach HB5826G

Hamilton Beach HB5826G Glass 1.7 Litre Kettle

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    RRP £99.00

    Hamilton Beach HB5826G Glass 1.7 Litre Kettle 

    Modern and practical, the Hamilton Beach 1.7L Illuminating Glass Kettle is a stylish addition to your kitchen. This powerful 2200W kettle ensures a fast boil, perfect for those moments when you're short on time. Enjoy the illumination of the stylish blue LED light when the kettle boils, adding a touch of sophistication to your brew time. Safety is prioritised with UK Strix technology boil dry protection and automatic switch-off features, providing peace of mind. The ergonomic design, featuring a wide opening pull lid and water level indicator, ensures easy and precise refills. With a 360° rotational base, this kettle is well-suited for both right and left-handed users. Powerful Fast Boil - 2200W powered fast boil means you can enjoy your brew quickly, perfect for when you're short on time!

    Product Features

    • LED Illumination - Stylish Blue LED will light up when kettle boils
    • Boil Dry Protection - Boil dry protection and automatic switch off for added peace of mind
    • Ergonomic Design - Wide opening pull lid and water level indicator for easy and precise refills
    • 360° Rotational Base - Easy grip handle and base are perfect for both right or left handed use
    • Safety Assured - UK Strix technology for long lasting protection

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    Sed quis tincidunt sem.

    Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

    Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

    Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

    Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.

    Delivery & Returns

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    Sed quis tincidunt sem.

    Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

    Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

    Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

    Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.