Dimplex Everdri 20EL

Dimplex Everdri 20EL 20 Litre Portable Air Dehumidifier

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    The Dimplex EverDri20EL Dehumidifier tackles damp within the home. Its easy-to-use 'push button' control panel incorporates a humidistat and timer. The electronic humidistat enables you to easily set the desired level of humidity. An LED display clearly shows you the humidity level and room temperature. It has a separate laundry mode and a continuous drain setting to aid the clothes drying process or for extreme humidity conditions; it will continue to run until the water tank fills, it will switch off automatically when it reaches the fill level.

    The EverDri20EL also features a 'comfort humidity' light on its front panel. When the light turns green, the humidity comfort is just right. A red glow means it is too dry and if maintained, a dry atmosphere will prevail. When it turns blue, the atmosphere is too moist and therefore, could lead to a build-up of mould, mildew and damp.

    Its 3 litre water tank has an antibacterial agent added. The tank is transparent so you can see how much water is collected 'at a glance'. Alternatively, an 11mm internal diameter hose can be connected when set on continuous mode. A washable pre-filter captures large dust particles and the active carbon filter helps to reduce odours.

    The 24 hour run back timer is a very useful function that will switch the product off automatically at the end of the time period. It also incorporates a 24 hour delayed start feature, so you can programme the product to come on in hourly increments up to 24 hours. With a choice of fan speeds, you can select a quieter, more discreet level of operation. It has integrated carry handles and easy glide castors to aid positioning around the home.

    Product Features

    • Extraction Capacity (litres): @10°C/59% RH: 2.8L, @21°C/59% RH: 8L, @30°C/80% RH: 20L
    • Water Tank Size: 3L
    • Optimum Room Size: 47m²
    • Dimensions (Height x Depth x Width): 553 x 236 x 310mm
    • Cable Length: 1.8m
    • Weight: 13.5kg

    Manufacturers Information

    NB: TBC where this information is stored. Category specific or one per manufacturer?

    Sed quis tincidunt sem.

    Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

    Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

    Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

    Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.

    Delivery & Returns

    NB: TBC where this information is stored. General information or product specific?

    Sed quis tincidunt sem.

    Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

    Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

    Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

    Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.