Hisense RB327N4BWE

Hisense RB327N4BWE 55cm Frost Free Fridge Freezer

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  • Energy Rating E
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The Hisense RB327N4BWE freestanding fridge freezer is a Total No Frost model and packed with all the features your family needs for storing chilled and frozen treats.

Product Features

  • Total No Frost
  • Adjustable thermostat dial
  • LED light: Brighter and more efficient LED lighting
  • Easy approach tray: With an extra 100mm of opening space, organising and removing large items such as pizza boxes is effortless, even when the upper fridge door is closed.

Full Specification

Installation Type Freestanding

Product Type Fridge Freezer

Colour White

Height 182.4 cm

Width 55 cm

Depth 56.2 cm

Weight (Approximate) 53 kg

Multi Air Flow Technology Yes

Fast Freeze No

Freezing capacity per 24hrs (kg) 5 kg

Display Screen Type No

Door Alarm No

Digital Inverter Compressor No

Child Lock No

Energy Efficiency Class E

Defrost Type Auto-Defrost

Net Refrigerator Capacity - ltrs 171 Ltrs

Net Freezer Capacity - ltrs 85 Ltrs

Number of Refrigerator Shelves 3

Number of Refrigerator Crispers 1

Number of Refrigerator Door Bins 3

Colour of Drawers Transparent

Reversible Doors Yes

Lighting Type LED

Star Rating 4 Sta

Adjustable Shelves Yes

Certifications & Standards CE, UKCA

Number of Freezer Drawers 4

Storage Power Failure (Hours) 13 Hours

Fridge Compartment

The fridge compartment is on the top, giving you easy access to your chilled goods. There’s also a useful LED interior light, so you can see what you’ve stored, whether it’s day or night. Perfect for those cheeky midnight snacks.

With a net capacity of 171 litres, you’ll have plenty of room to store the food your family loves, from meat and vegetables to juices and dairy products. the RB327N4BWE comes with four adjustable shelves, so you can make space for food of all shapes and sizes, including the family-sized turkey at Christmas.

To store your healthy fruit and veg, there’s a roomy salad bin as well as three door balconies for bottles and dairy produce. And, there’s also a wire shelf for bottles of pop or your favourite bottle of wine.

With reversible doors, you can alter your appliance to suit the space you have chosen for it in your home. Keep everything fresh with Hisense.

Freezer Compartment

The freezer compartment contains four clear drawers, for the convenient organisation of your frozen goods. The net capacity is 85 litres, providing you with more than enough space to stock up on those irresistible buy one, get one free offers. Plus, this model comes with an easy approach tray. With an extra 100mm of opening space, organising, and removing large items such as pizza boxes is effortless, even when the upper fridge door is closed.

Thanks to the 4-star rating, this model is cold enough to store frozen food for up to 12 months. Should there be a power failure, the RB327N4BWE can keep your goods safe for up to 13 hours. You’ll even find an adjustable thermostat dial so you can easily control the temperature when you need to.

This Hisense fridge freezer features Multi Air technology and Total No Frost. Air is evenly circulated throughout both compartments, preventing ice crystals from forming. This means no water or ice build-up in your appliance, anywhere.

Coming in white, the Hisense RB327N4BWE fridge freezer is the ideal appliance for busy homes. Add one to your basket today.

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Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.

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Sed quis tincidunt sem.

Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.