Iceking RK100WE

Iceking RK100WE 47.9cm Undercounter Fridge

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  • Energy Rating F
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The Iceking RK100WE is a compact undercounter larder fridge with 80 litres of net storage space. This freestanding model is ideal for those with limited space or as an addition to your existing appliance.

Product Features

  • 80L capacity
  • Reversible Door
  • Salad Crisper

Full Specification

Colour White

Height 84.5 cm

Width 47.9 cm

Depth 55 cm

Weight (Approximate) 25.3 kg

Installation Type Freestanding

Product Type Under Counter Fridge

Adjustable Shelves Yes

Door Alarm No

Certifications & Standards CE, UKCA

Cooling Technology Compressor

Ice box Yes

Suitable for Outbuildings No

Energy Efficiency Class F

Defrost Type Auto-Defrost

Number of Refrigerator Shelves 2

Number of Refrigerator Crispers 1

Number of Refrigerator Door Bins 3

Reversible Doors Yes

Lighting Type Bulb

Additional Information -

  • 160kwh Annual Energy Rating
  • Net Refrigerator Capacity - ltrs 80 Ltrs

Compact Design

At just 48cm wide and 84.5cm high, the RK100WE fits perfectly into smaller spaces. Its compact design means it will fit neatly under most kitchen counters or in a pantry.

Offering two adjustable, spill-proof glass shelves, you can arrange your fridge the way you want it. This is especially useful if you need to store larger or bulky items. A salad crisper at the bottom keeps your fruit and vegetables fresh and the three door balconies provide extra storage space for bottles, milk, and cheese.

What’s more, there’s also a handy icebox inside the fridge. Perfect for storing ice cream, ready meals, pizzas, and snacks, this compartment will add a little flexibility to your life.

Handy Features

Iceking has equipped the RK100WE with an internal bulb to make it easy to find what you’re looking for. Ideal if you want to grab something late at night.

For extra flexibility, the door can be hinged on either side. This is great if you want the appliance to be housed snug against a wall. Hinge the door to open away from the wall, to give you full access to the contents of your fridge.

Coming in a white finish, this undercounter fridge will make an ideal addition to those with smaller spaces, or to complement an additional kitchen setup.

Keep everything fresh and well organised with this handy undercounter fridge from Iceking. Order yours today.

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Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.

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Sed quis tincidunt sem.

Integer eu aliquam enim. Duis ornare eleifend nunc, nec venenatis quam cursus vel. Duis et consectetur turpis, at laoreet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum at aliquam ligula. Duis accumsan mi sed neque bibendum, vitae pulvinar elit pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ante venenatis, porta magna vitae, eleifend ligula. Nam in blandit eros, ac sodales lorem. Quisque et ornare nibh.

Nunc non turpis in quam iaculis

Tincidunt rhoncus non massa. Morbi ultrices pulvinar arcu, vitae sodales orci venenatis pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse et odio ullamcorper, faucibus sapien blandit, aliquet ex.

Suspendisse tempus aliquam sagittis. Morbi at congue mi. Vivamus tincidunt sem in justo lacinia faucibus. Praesent lobortis, tortor et finibus fermentum, diam metus egestas est, nec dapibus dui tellus eu ligula. Praesent auctor tortor ex, quis ornare augue tempus vitae. Nunc ut pharetra lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam placerat vitae mauris ac condimentum.